Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Life Cycle of Flowering Plants

Dear students,

Today, we will be learning about the different processes involve in a life cycle of a flowering plant. At the end of this lesson, you should be able to construct a concept map (life cycle of a flowering plant) and post it to the blog.

Instruction :

Part 1 (5 minutes)

•Get into groups of 5
•Each group member is to be represented by the letter A, B, C, D or E.

Part 2 (15 minutes)
Each group member is to conduct individual research on the assigned task

Member A : Pollination

Video -
Website -

Member B : Fertilization

Video -
Website -

Member C : Formation of fruits and seeds

Video -
Website -

Member D : Dispersal of seeds

Video -
Website -

Member E : Germination

Video -

Note: Do take down necessary information gathered based on your research that is essential for discussions.

Part 3 (15 minutes)

Get into your expert groups (Members A should come together, members B should come together, etc...) to discuss on your findings and post relevant materials into the blog. You may post relevant pictures if you want to.
Guiding question during discussions:

  1. What is the process about?

  2. What are the parts that are involve in the process?

  3. How long does the process take before moving on to the next process?

  4. Do non-flowering plants undergo the same process?

Part 4 (15 minutes)

After posting, return to your home group (A-B-C-D-E) Share the process you are assigned to with your members.

Part 5 (15 minutes)

Construct a concept map based on what you have learnt, using Cmap programme and post it to the blog. Your concept map should cover all the five processes involve in the life cyle of a flowering plant.

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